On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Brian J. Stults wrote:

bs7452 >I want to by a SCSI drive and controller for one of my older computers
bs7452 >so it can act as an ftp server.  My understanding is that a slower
bs7452 >computer can act as a decent server if you use SCSI since it doesn't
bs7452 >require much from the processor.  Is that right?  Also, are there any

yep thats right

bs7452 >minimum requirements?  The computer is a Gateway P166 with 32MB of EDO
bs7452 >ram.  It will boot from an IDE drive, but the files that will be
bs7452 >available from the server will all be on the SCSI drive.  Sorry this
bs7452 >isn't entirely Debian-related, but I use Debian and I want to install
bs7452 >Debian on this computer, too.  I'm thinking of buying a 9.1GB IBM
bs7452 >Ultrastar 18ES and an Adaptec 2940U2W U2W/S host adapter.  Thanks in
bs7452 >advance for any input. 

no minimum requirements for scsi, just need a system compadible with the
scsi card.  most boards have no problems with adaptec cards, those that
might usually are fixed with bios updates.

scsi will for sure improve I/O performance for file serving.


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