make sure the drives are in the correct modes in the bios, usually LBA is
what you want(i believe).  if that doesn't help try hard setting the
disks parameters in lilo (see lilo docs for this, i've never had to do it
so i dunno how :/) or, partition them with something other then linux(what
i do when i have that problem, i use partition magic), or you can use DOS,
partition it as FAT32, then just change the partition type and reformat,
it should work.


On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Paras Patel wrote:

paras >Hi all: 
paras >
paras >I've been running into this problem at work trying to install two new
paras >harddrives into a Dell XPS D266. The drives are manufactured by Seagate,
paras >with a capacity of ~13GB. The first issue that I thought was the problem
paras >was the BIOS, so I upgraded that to the latest version. Then I thought,
paras >all I needed to do was to partition my hard drives. In the Linux boot-up
paras >screen, it seems to register my drives and their true capacity, but I
paras >cannot seem to realize this capacity while I am using cfdisk or fdisk.
paras >Anyone have an idea of what might be troubling me? Any approches to get
paras >past this problems. 
paras >
paras >Thanks, 
paras >
paras >Paras Patel. 
paras >
paras >
paras >-- 
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paras >

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