there is a debian distribution of SAMBA based on 2.0 its included in
slink, and probably potato.

i reccomend you use the latest CVS build of samba, as it seems to be MUCH
MUCH better then 2.0, despite it's alpha/beta status.  I worked with 2.0
for hours trying to fix problems to no avail, installed 3.0 and BANG
worked perfectly.

you can get the latest CVS code by following the directions here:

i have been using samba CVS for 6+ months and have never had a
problem. transferred as much as 12gigs at once and it flew.


On Thu, 27 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dranki >I am going to set up a debian linux box and I want to run the samba
dranki >server.  Obviously I have not done it yet, thus the question.  I have
dranki >searched in vain, via, for Debian specific builds of Samba.  I
dranki >think this simply tells me that I have to build my own distribution from
dranki >source code once I have Debian Linux up and running.  If anyone knows
dranki >where I can find documentation that will get me through this process, OR
dranki >IF I AM COMPLETELY OUT IN LEFT FIELD in what I am planning to do, any
dranki >"pearls of wisdom" you may have will be greatly appreciated.
dranki >
dranki >
dranki >
dranki >-- 
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dranki >

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