"Eric G . Miller" <egm2@jps.net> writes:

> > > I've installed Flash plugin for netscape. Neither of the sites can
> > > autodetect that the plugin is installed. Even at www.flash.com I had
> > > to click on "If you know that you have Flash installed" link.
> > > Typing "about:plugins" in netscape shows Flash installed.
> > 
> > This is my experience also.  I assume (right or wrong) that the web
> > server doesn't interpret linux browsers so well.
> In the README.Linux file, it mentions this type of thing will occur if
> there's some kind of code checking your system or browser which fails to
> recognize it and thus assumes no support.  Also, some sites don't have
> the MIME types configured properly.  However, I have no problem with
> sites like macromedia. 

Well, I forgot to mention that when I had slink installed, the plugin
worked fine with same sites, that are cureently not working under
potato. Of course, this also means an upgrade from navigator 4.61 to
4.7. As an example, an intro at www.pizzahut.com used to work, but
doesn't anymore. ;^(
Arcady Genkin                                 http://www.thpoon.com
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

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