
I'm having trouble with marking in xemacs. The problem is identical in
both xemacs20 and xemacs21. It does not occur when run on the console,
only when in X.

The problem: any attempt to mark/select text, either with the mouse or
C-<SPC> results in this error:

unrecognized selection-conversion type: nil, #<INTERNAL EMACS BUG
(opaque, size=4) 0x84f3570>

and xemacs just beeps until I cancel the action with C-g.

This is an up to date potato system running gdm/gnome/sawmill. The
installation of xemacs21 is fresh, while I'd been running xemacs20 for
months without any sign of this behaviour.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
   bill stilwell  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        "It hurts to breathe."
                         "Of course it does."
                             _Henry Fool_

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