its possible to start w/o a swap.  depends how much ram you have though
.. i never build linux boxes with less then 64 or 128MB in those cases
swap isn't that important so its easy to turn off..

it may be bad ram..there are a few memory testers out there for linux..try
em out.


On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Werner Reisberger wrote:

werner >On Sat, Jan 29, 2000 at 11:31:30AM -0800, aphro wrote:
werner >> try running your mahcine w/o a swap partition setup to see if the 
werner >> persists, (its just a shot in the dark..) you may have bad sectors on 
werner >> drive where the swap partition resides.
werner >
werner >Is it possible to start linux w/o a swap partition? I checked the drive
werner >(UW-SCSI) with the diagnostic program of the Adaptec-Controller and 
werner >found any bad blocks.
werner >
werner >I think it's rather a problem with the RAM. I just checked a core after
werner >a program failed with seg fault. The message found ("Cannot access 
werner >in 0xa346e32") points to a RAM problem. I think I really have to 
exchange my 
werner >RAM.
werner >
werner > Werner
werner >

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