On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 11:55:52AM +0100, Michael Meskes wrote:
> Since I want to get myself an ISDN connection I wonder which cards do work
> with Linux. Is there a list available?
Look at /usr/src/linux/Documentation/isdn/README.HiSax

I recommend the 2.2.x kernel series. An AVM Fritz! PCI Card was detected and
working without problems. The long list of supported card suggests that most
available one are supported.

> Also I wonder if external equipment works.
ISDN Modems connected to the serial port should work, they look like a
normal serial line to the kernel. You will loose all isdnctrl features with
those however, so I recommend against these.

Devices that connect to the parallel port
need a special driver and must be supported by HiSax. According to the
README, the Teles SoBox is one of the supported devices.

> They usually refer to CAPI 2.0 or something like that, but does Linux
> know how to address this?
CAPI 2.0 is relevant for Linux only on active cards (and these are


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the "Plug" almost always works.            --unknown source

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