On Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 11:51:22 +0000, Phillip Deackes wrote:
> Can anyone explain how I set up Debian for ISDN

Install the isdnutils package, and configure it similar to the setup scripts
at ftp://ftp.cistron.nl/pub/cistron/linux/isdn/ .

Personally, I dislike having to become root for opening and closing ISDN
connections, so I've made a perl wrapper that does "isdn-up":
-rwsr-xr--    1 root     dialout       506 Nov  6 12:45 /usr/local/bin/isdn-up

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# isdn-up       Force a dialout.

# Sanitize for security
$ENV{'PATH'} =
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};

$REMOTEMSN="8800999";   # CistroN

system("ifconfig", $DEVICE, "up");
system("isdnctrl", "addphone", $DEVICE, "out", $REMOTEMSN);
system("isdnctrl", "dial", $DEVICE);
# Route should taken care of by /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/isdnutils...
#system("/sbin/route", "add", "default", $DEVICE);

isdn-down is similar, but does hangup and delphone of course.

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
    - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

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