>>>>> "Alexandre" == Alexandre Pereira da Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Alexandre> For a while, i have a file that cannot be erased. 
    Alexandre> This probaly was writen when my machine crashed with
    Alexandre> Netscape 3.0 running in. This was on slink or even
    Alexandre> before. I think e2fsck must resolv the problem
    Alexandre> automaticaly when checking filesystem but it does not.

Perhaps the ext2fs immutable flag somehow got set for the file?  Try
'lsattr cache368855AF0061069.gif', and if you see something like:

----i--- cache368855AF0061069.gif

Then the immutable flag is set.  You need to do 
'chattr -i cache368855AF0061069.gif'.

Hope this helps,
Colin Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(1024D/C207843A) A580 5AA1 0887 2032 7EFB  19F4 9776 6282 C207 843A

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