when setting up ipmasq use the -l option in the ipchains command(s) and
make sure kernel firewall logging is on.

that'll log it.

and everything else :)


On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Marc Sherman wrote:

msherm >I just installed the ipmasq package, and hooked up my
msherm >win98 box through my linux machine.  The linux machine
msherm >has 2 ethernet cards, eth1 is connected to the local
msherm >net (the Windows machine), eth0 is connected to an
msherm >ADSL line using PPPOE.
msherm >
msherm >On the Windows machine, I can hit some web sites, but
msherm >not others.  On the linux machine, those same websites
msherm >work fine in lynx.  For example, www.sjgames.com works
msherm >on both machines, while www.sciplus.com only works
msherm >on the linux box.
msherm >
msherm >My ISP (Bell Sympatico) has a "transparent" caching
msherm >proxy server installed on port 80; I suspect that that
msherm >may be the cause of the problem.  When I explicitly
msherm >specified a proxy server in IE5 on the windows machine,
msherm >some web sites that failed before started working
msherm >(like the eservice.sympatico.ca site on Sympatico),
msherm >but others (like www.sciplus.com) continued to fail.
msherm >
msherm >If the proxy server is messing with the returned
msherm >http data so that my ipmasq rejects the packet, is
msherm >there any way I can get ipchains/ipmasq to log the
msherm >rejected packet so that I can figure out how to
msherm >avoid this problem?
msherm >
msherm >Thanks,
msherm >- Marc
msherm >
msherm >
msherm >
msherm >-- 
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msherm >

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