make sure you got the line right i believe it is:


been a while since i used it though, the easiest way to see free ram is to
type 'free' or cat /proc/meminfo or use top or use dmesg and search for
the amount of ram it detects:

Memory: 127948k/131008k available (1068k kernel code, 412k reserved, 1536k
data, 44k init)

its probably best to leave 1MB free when using the append option for most
boards, so tell linux u got 127MB instead of 128 sometimes allocating
every last bit of ram can cause problems(sometimes minor sometimes major).


On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Lane Lester wrote:

lleste >What command will tell me how much RAM Debian Linux thinks I have?
lleste >
lleste >My BIOS, Win NT, and Win 98 all know I have 128M, but Corel Linux
lleste >thinks I have only 64M. I've tried adding the mem= line to lilo.conf,
lleste >but it doesn't work for me.
lleste >
lleste >Lane
lleste >
lleste >---- 
lleste >Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
lleste >---- 
lleste >
lleste >
lleste >
lleste >-- 
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lleste >

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