On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Cameron Matheson wrote:

mathes >Hey,
mathes >
mathes >I got a computer for Linux now, but I am using a Creative Proprietary
mathes >External CD-ROM drive.  It's not IDE or SCSI, so what should I do to
mathes >install?  Thanks,

not that it answers your question, but how old is that drive? :) I had a
similar drive, back in ~1991 on my 286/12 it was a 1X drive, i wish i
could remember how it ocnnected, it had some kind of connector that looked
like 50pin scsi but maybe it wasnt.

really, what is more important is what kind of card is the cdrom connected
to? since you dont install drivers for the cdrom just for the
controller. be as specific as possible if you have to look at some of the
names of the chips and include them in the email.  in my 286s case it was
a sound blaster pro..oh teh days of MSCDEX 1.0 what a piece of shit, it
got curropted every 3 weeks and i had to get a new copy of the .EXE. oh
the memories! :)


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