Suddenly, my modem is haywire on slink. Can anyone suggest a solution.
It tries to log on to my isp
but after a few minutes, a low flute sound replaces the modem sounds and then
it shuts off. The log says the dial-in script failed. If I go over to Windows
98 on the same hard drive, the problem persists with the dial-up connection to
the same ISP. After two or three attempts, the modem returns to normal. It
exist to another ISP that I use only with Win98. It continues with Linux
Mandrake which shares the modem and the isp but is on a different hard drive.
   The modem had worked fine until this started last night. The only change
was that I had tried to set up HylaFax. I noticed that the Hylafax daemons
started as I booted up. So I removed Hylafax, but the problem persists. Any
This is slink and a USRobotics voice-fax modem. I am using a dial-up script
that is the ppp script that came with RedHat 5.2. It works so well I just keep
using it for everything.

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