> Does anyone have an idea to solve this??

   Sorry Sven, I don't.  But as one who's played with using Squid's ACL
functions, I'll suggest a different strategy.

   In the Squid docs on ACL you'll find descriptions of an option to
reference out to a file to get blocked URLs and/or domains.  When I was
using Squid's ACLs to block sites I found the tactic of using the files to
be a huge bonus.  To add a new blocked site all one would need to do is to
edit a text file and restart Squid.

   My advice would be to go back to a plain vanilla squid.conf and to try
your ideas again using the file method.  Once working you'll find the
updating much easier.

 Regards, | Microsoft: Buying up some other company's good idea
 .        | today, so they can sell it as an "innovation" tomorrow.
 Randy    |

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