> Check that it is indeed running with "ps axf | grep pike". Check
> /var/log/roxen/debug/default.1 (or .2). Check you have tried the
> correct port (grep ConfigurationURL /etc/roxen/Global_Variables).

Right. It seems I found the problem (around 3:30am, but that's another story). 
Strangely, I got no connects to the moonspell.nowhere:19656, but I did get one 
at moonspell:19656. However, in order to save any configuration changes, I had 
to change the ConfigurationURL from http://moonspell.nowhere:19656 to 
http://moonspell:19656 ... Quite annoying.

BTW, I am running of the Unstable. Now it's just the matter of fixing things 
like making sure that http://moonspell/doc points to /usr/share/doc and so 
forth... And get a better understanding of the libroxen-* archives and how to 
utilize them.

Thanks for your help,

.--------------- -- -    --  -- +-
| Martin Högman  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
|                                       [ 
http://skyscraper.fotunecity.com/integer/36 ]
`------------------+ --- -               --      +

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