Here's my stupid question for the day (I'm allotted one per day, aren't

   How can I configure Sawmill/Gnome so that a window will rise to the top
if I click on the title bar?

   I prefer a sloppy focus, one where I can move the mouse over a window and
have it in focus.  However, I don't necessarily want that window to rise to
the top/foreground.  I do want it to come to the top/foreground if I click
on the title bar or perform some other action.

   I've played and played in all of those foolish GUI configuration menus of
Gnome and Sawmill, but the only way I can get something close to what I want
is to click on the Gnome tasklist on the specific task -- that'll make it
rise to the top/foreground, but isn't exactly what I want.  (As an aside,
I'm really impressed by Sawmill's light use of system resources; I never
realized I had so much RAM.:-)

 Regards, | Software isn't software without the source code.
 .        | 
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