On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, Michael Symalla wrote:

> Hi,
> I think that won't solve my problem as my AWE64 is not an pci device
> ;-( As far as I understood the help for the es1370 driver, it is for
> pci soundcards.
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 02:04:47PM +0100, Darlock wrote:
> > It's not the same case, but I have a SoundBlaster AWE 128 and only runs
> > with the es1370 driver. You can try it... It can runs ok.


I run Soundblaster AWE64PnP, but I use ALSA, it works flawlessly, in the
beginning I had to insmod snd-pcm1-oss, to get the OSS emulation working.
I didnt touch isapnp.conf, the system take care of all that stuff, you
have to have isapnptools install though. ALSA supports multiple soundcards
I currently use 2, the AWE64 and Soundblaster PCI 128, no problems at all.
If you want to compile alsa for a recent kernel you have to install
alsa-source then you:
unpack kernel source in /usr/src
tar xfvz linux-4.2.tar.gz
then untargzip alsadriver.tar.gz which is located in /usr/src
tar xfvz alsadriver.tar.gz
then cd linux
make menuconfig
make sure to add support for sound
the use kernel-make package which compiles the kernel and makes a
installable .deb file
make-kpkg --revision 1 kernel_image
in /usr/src/linux
then when it is finished
do a
make-kpkg --revision 1 modules_image
when it's finished you'll have two .debs in /usr/src which is easily
installed with dpkg -i *.deb
reboot and run alsaconf to configure the soundcards
the soundcard is by default muted so you have to check with amxier
to set PCM to max and umute you have to
amixer set PCM 100% unmute
master, treble, bass is stuff you might want to ummute, be careful with
Output Gain it can damage your ears.
instead of amixer you can use alsamixer, but it doesnt seem to work yet.


you can install kernel_image-2.2.13 and use the precompiled drivers in

Whoa I just realised this anwer is alittle overkill, but hey I like ALSA.


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