"TaoX { Brian Hinson; }" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ok.. here is the lamest question ever, but I have tried and tried to find
> the answer myself with no luck.. I just signed up on this list and this is
> my first time to ever be on a list like this, but the question or problem
> is... when I send messages for help I get responses... but I have yet to see
> a question from anyone else? Am I supposed to check something, like a pop
> server or news server? or are they emailed to me? I just don't know what or
> where to go/do to see other people messages for this list...
If you subscribed to this list, you should be getting dumps of
e-mail in whatever e-mail account you subscribed with.  And at times,
it really dumps!


> Thanks in advance!
> --------------------------------------
> www.linuxfreak.com/~TaoX
> ICQ: 61511769
> AOL IM: TaoX 0x1 <- thats the whole thing, space included, not seperate
> names!
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

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