
I want to get some games and other things working on machines inside my
Linux NAT server.

eg for Close Combat, I need ports 47624 and 2300-2400 on both TCP and UDP
redirected so from the outside they look like they're going to/from my Linux
box, but everything gets redirected in both directions to my PC.

I also want to redirect different ranges of ports to different machines on
my internal network. I *need* to be able to play Total Annihilation from my

I can't work out how to do this. All the instructions I can find tell me to
use ipfwadm, but Debian doesn't seem to offer it (not listed in debian
packages, for example).

I presume ipchains can do this, but I don't seem to have an ipchains man
page (how can I reinstall the man page, btw?) and I could never make that
work anyway.

I'd love to understand the general theory of how to redirect particular
ports for particular protocols to particular machines.

ipchains? ipautofw? ipportfw?


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