There was a discussion about this back on Jan 23-24.  
It's covered better than anything I could write.  Check the archives.
Look for a subject to the effect of: "Batch rename files"

Below is the method I would choose (from 1 of the messages in that thread):


A low-tech bash-only way to do this is:

for n in foo-*-bar-*.txt; do nn=${n/-bar-/-}; mv $n ${nn/foo/blah}; done

I actually use this quite often when I need to replace only one part
of the name. Plus you get to preview your changes when you replace
`mv' by `echo' in a dry run.

This was for the `easiest way' part.

Complex replacements get tedious with this technique, though. If
you're feeling really brave and are the do-it-yourself kind of person,
you won't want to resort to mmv or something else that is designed for
the job. You use sed to assemble a stream of commands that you pipe
into a shell:

ls foo-*-bar-*.txt | sed 's/\(foo\(.*\)bar-\(.*\)\)/mv \1 blah\2\3;/' | sh

or so. For increased power/obfuscation, you could pipe the output of
find into sed. This enables you to rename files in a whole directory
tree, and move them through the filesystem in interesting ways
(flattening directory hierarchies, for instance). This makes for
beautiful sed patterns, because the `/'s need to be escaped in sed:

find -type f | sed -e h -e 's/\.\///' -e 'y/\//-/' -e x -e G \
    -e 's/\n/ /' -e 's/\(.*\)/mv \1;/' | sh

would transform




leaving some empty directories behind.
Now if you choose not to quote the sed expressions, because you could
as well escape them, you get

find -type f | sed -e h -e s/\\.\\/// -e y/\\//-/ -e x -e G \
    -e s/\\n/\ / -e s/\\\(.\*\\\)/mv\ \\1\;/ | sh

I think this has a certain ring to it. Of course, my sed expressions
might be overly complicated, as complete mastery of sed is not really
simple to attain for mere mortals.


On 01-Mar-2000 Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 10:14:58AM -0500, Bryan Scaringe wrote:
>> Perhaps either xfs-xtt of mkttfdir expect font files to have a lowercase
>> file extention.  Remeber .MP3 is different than .mp3, and .JPG is different
>> than .jpg, so it's not hard to imagine that this could be your problem.
> damn, that might be it... do you happen to know of a way to lowercase
> letters in bash or some other way?  i don't really want to mv THIS.TTF
> this.tff 215 times....
> MS never ceases to inconvenience...
>> Bryan
>> > there is mkttfdir in fttools package.  
>> > 
>> >> Another question: Once I create fonts.dir, are there any other steps
>> >> to configure the font server to use the ttf fonts?
>> > 
>> > i wnat to know this too, i installed xfs-xtt and used the above tool
>> > on a couple fonts i got from MS' gratis fonts page, and they showed up
>> > and were usable in netscape.  but these were not enough fonts so i
>> > nabbed all the fonts from NT 4 and used the same utility which
>> > generated the fonts.dir file just fine it looks like, but now none of
>> > them are available for use in X, only the original X bitmapped fonts
>> >:(
>> > 
>> > i cannot find any difference, except that this time i did not fix all
>> > the ugly MSDOS 8.3 filenames to lowercase but i don't see how that
>> > would matter. (its amazing even with a somewhat advanced filesystem
>> > like NTFS that you still end up with fscking 8.3 filenames when you
>> > archive files...) 
>> > 
>> > -- 
>> > Ethan Benson
>> > 
>> > 
>> > -- 
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> -- 
> Ethan Benson

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