On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 08:20:46PM -0800, Jim Varney wrote:
> Updating my Potato system a few days ago with dselect broke my X windows. X 
> starts up with the herringbone and shows a single shell window and prompt. 

X is working.  However your window manager or desktop (what do you
usually use?) isn't firing up.  

This is a failsafe X session.  

How are you starting X?  Do you use an X Display Manager (gdm, kdm,
etc.)?  Or do you start X from a console prompt with "startx"?

Try running one of the following commands in the xterm window:

 - fvwm &          # ( or fvwm2 ) -- for the fvwm(2) window manager
 - startkde &      # for kde
 - gnome-session & # for gnome
 - wmaker &        # for WindowMaker
 - afterstep &     # for Afterstep


This should start up a desktop.  If this fails to bring up your
preferred desktop, the executable may be missing or otherwise hosed.
Track it down with appropriate tools.

Your X initalization process is controlled by a number of files under
/etc/X11.  Good places to start are the Xsession, gdm, kdm, or xdm

You may want to try firing up X from the console and watching the error
messages produced.  I routinely capture all output to file with:

    startx -- 1>.startx.log 2>&1 &

> It never gets as far as the full desktop. I have to use cntl-alt-backspace 
> to close the aborted X session. In my xsession error file it says
> fatal IO error 32 (broken pipe) or KillClient on X Server ":0.0"
> Any ideas where I go from here?

Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
    What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?

Scope out Scoop:  http://scoop.kuro5hin.org/
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