You probably have to edit /etc/ppp/peers/provider, and

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Zielinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > I used pppconfig to create my connection to my ISP.  My ISP is
    > changing their dial-up numbers and I need to modify the file
    > where the number resides.  I looked through /etc/ppp but I
    > cannot find the file.  Is the file that pppconfig creates an
    > editable text file?

    > I know I can create a new connection with pppconfig, but I
    > thought changing the number in the file would be easier!

    > Thanks, Mike __________________________________________________
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Marshal Wong
(Yes, that is my first name. Not a title.)

wo    drueckt dich der Schuh?
where presses you  the shoe
'what's your problem?'

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