Are you trying to use fetchmail to get mail from several accounts into
mailfolders for one user, or for several users?  For one user it is
easy, just run it as the intended user, not as user email.  For
several users, the fetchmail man pages go into a fair amount of detail
on how to do it.  In short, it's not a good idea.  Get separate
accounts for each user on the remote server, and run fetchmail for
each user on your local machine.

On Mar 14, Ron Rademaker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 > I got a few question concerning, you've probably guessed it already: mail!
 > I've created a user email, every once in a while this user should use
 > fetchmail to empty some mailboxes (somewhere on a distant server) and then
 > use procmail to take it into some mailfolders. The mail should reach the
 > right user... HOW?? (If there's a better way please tell me.....)
 > I also got this little sendmail problem it won't send to other computers
 > then those on the LAN, some dns things. I told sendmail to use dns and I 
 > don't have a smarthost, 
 > what else could it be?
 > Ron
 > -- 
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Neil L. Roeth

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