> Hello!
> I have a problem: my ISP ask me for username and password to send e-mail
> by smtp. With Netscape is easy to configure it, but I don't know how to
> do that with smail or sendmail. Can somebody help me?
the problem is: smtp has NO password at all (AFAIK). the point is, you
have to do "POP before SMTP" to authorize yourself, which netscape does
when using an mta (e.g. sendmail) you have to do a "fetchmail" before
sending any e-mail. on one box i configured i simply put a "fetchmail"
in the ppp-up script, that is, fetchmail is called directly after dialing
in. a problem arises, if you stay on-line that long, that your
authorization times out - then you would have to "fetchmail" before
sending e-mail again. but i thing it is a good idea to run fetchmail as a
daemon as long as you are on-line, so it checks for mail and holds your
smpt-authorization open every, say 10, minutes.

in short:
 put a "fetchmail -d 600" in your /etc/ppp/ppp-up
 put a "fetchmail --quit" in your /etc/ppp/ppp-down
(i'm not sure if the files are in /etc/ppp/ on debian, as i set up a suse

> P.S. Sorry, terrible English.
not that bad - at least not worse than mine :-)

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