----- Original Message ----- 
From: Gregory T. Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: How to make SCSI only bootup


> The "2FA:" prompt is generated by mbr... it looks like it doesn't know
> which partition to boot (you haven't gotten far enough to require the
> SCSI drivers yet).  Just as a guess, I'd say that you didn't flag the
> relevant partition as "active" when you partitioned the disk.
 This 2FA thing  coming from which boot sector? The one 
/sbin/lilo installs with boot=/dev/hda or boot=/dev/sda in the
lilo.conf in the MBR? I can't find such an error code documented in 
the user.tex along with the lilo. Where is this thing documented?


> Try pressing "2" when you see the prompt... that tells mbr that you
> want to boot off of the second primary partition (that's what the "2"
> in "2FA:" is referring to), which should get you past this issue. 
> Assuming this works, don't forget to go back into fdisk and mark the
> partition active.

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