> I imagine that I have one of those mice that are not 'boxed', as I bought
> it with the computer. My config is just like yours for X, and the
> difference between your config for gpm and mine should be inexistent... I
> tried everything...
"boxed" versions are a) really boxed (i.e., in a box, mine was green) and
have b) a coloured logitech-logo on top.
you probably have a "oem"-version, since it was packaged with the pc.

> I'll have to wait until someone develops support for my mouse :(
this is one possibility ...

here is how i did it: when i discovered, that i had a non-working
bulk-version, i simply gone to the store i bought it, gave it back and
bought a working mouse in another store. they were quite
cooperative. hope, you have a nice vendor. :-)

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