> I'm having a related problem: I can change my resolution, but my desktop 
> doesn't adjust.
that's intended. the virtual resolution is always set to the largest
physical resolution (or higher, when specified with the "virtual" keyword
in the xf86config. there is no way (i know) to disable that "feature". if
you don't use the higher resolutions, then remove these modes from your
display-section in xf86config.

> Also, xvidtune doesn't produce a very good fit for my card/screen.  At 
> 1024x768 I get a jump from an image significantly smaller than the video 
> screen (ie. lots of dark area on the border) to one which is too large.  I 
> have entered the exact specs for my monitor, and the exact model of the card.
if it is really impossible to stretch the screen, then try _a bit_ lower
frequencies. many crt-displays have problems in the
"edge-of-possible"-modes. many vendors simply add some hertz to the specs
to easier sell their displays ...

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