I set my sources.list to:

http://www.debian.org/~vincent/ xfree-update main

I did an apt-get update then apt-get upgrade.  Everything went fine
until I tried to run XF86Setup, this wasn't installed.  I then did an
apt-get update XF86Setup and then an apt-get install XF86Setup.  Once
again everything appeared fine.

I then ran XF86Setup, when I got to the configuring the card the bottom
of the screen stated: "*** The selected server is not installed! 
Please abort, install SVGA server as /usr/X11R6/XF86_SVGA and run this
program again ***"

What should I apt-get now...XF86_SVGA?  I browsed ~vincent and did not
see an entry for XF86_SVGA.  I understand the overall concept of
apt-get (used to upgrade your system based on your sources.list), but I
don't fully understand the details of the how it works.  For example,
my previous apt-get for XF86Setup does not appear to be in ~vincent
listing either, but it obviously is.  If someone could assist me in
understanding how apt-get works/finds what it is looking for once it
gets to ~vincent I'd appreciate it.

Also is there a way to apt-get the all the X files instead of having to
retrieve bits and pieces at a time?


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