At 11:35 AM 3/24/00 +1200, C. Falconer wrote:
>Squid ACLs are messy and not really intended for filtering based on URLs - 
>rather they seem to be for controlling what machines can access your squid 
>cache, and which domains your clients get direct (uncached) access to.

I do not agree with you: 

acl proxyallow url_regex "/etc/squid.allow"
acl proxydeny  url_regex "/etc/squid.deny"


http_access allow proxyallow allowed_hosts
http_access deny proxydeny
http_access allow allowed_hosts
http_access deny all

In my squid file do the job just fine!

The allow and deny files are all the tools you need.
The keywords are flat ASCII and row based and give 
all the flexibility you need. I don't see the need 
for any extra software.



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