Hi All,

I need to set up the crypt++el to work with the gpg on my slink driven
Unfortunately the crypt-encryption--alist does not contain the record
corresponding to the gpg. Does it mean that I have to modify the crypt++el
file =:-( to add the gpg support ? Maybe I can add the new item to
crypt-encryption-alist modifying my .emacs file?
The docs for crypt++el is rather poor (or I'm to dumb to use it).
Thanks for any help.

BTW. The gpg & pgp compresses the data before encryption - it results
in costant begining of the  message beeing encrypted.
Doesn't it impair the security?
                         Wojciech M. Zabolotny
        http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~wzab  <--> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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