Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

> > Anyone know of a good zip-utility that can span disks?
> > I need to transfer some files (some of which are too big for
> > one floppy) from my debian-box to my win31-laptop...
> for hard-liners:
> split:
> for i in 0 1 2 3 4 ...; do dd if=foo of=foo.$i skip=$i bs=1457664 count=1; 
> done

Use 1474560 instead.  80*18*1024 = 1474560

or maybe:

split -b 1440k - foo. < foo

the DOS append command can put the pieces back together.

> concatenate:
> cat foo.0 foo.1 ... >foo
> tar also supports volumes (but i don't know how it combines with
> compression).

Split it after compression.  Concatenate back before uncompression.

> ;-)
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