Sandy Shapiro wrote (on 6 Apr 00, at 9:31):

> I have Debian 2.1 (Slink).
> I downloaded Wordperfect 8 for Linux (guilg00.gz).
> During the install I get numerous error messages. It seems to be looking
> for subdirectories that don't exist on my system, and the program won't
> run.
> Will Wordperfect only work on the Corel Linux, or is there a way to get it
> to work on Debian?

It will run (though I still haven't got anything to go through the 
Word import filter yet). I had it running on mostly-hamm-with-XFree86-
v3.3.5, kernel 2.0.34. You need to watch the error messages and feed 
it some old libraries from the "oldlibs" and maybe "X11" sections of 
the Debian installation--search the archives of this list or just ask 
Corel if you can wait a few days for the answer.


-- Tony Crawford
-- Phone: +49-3341-30 99 99
-- Fax:   +49-3341-30 99 98

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