Once upon a time, I heard Richard  Taylor say

> On 4/6/2000, 7:31:18 PM, Chanop Silpa-Anan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote
> > Once upon a time, I heard Viktor Rosenfeld say
> > > I recently switched my working environment from Windows to Debian only
> > > and I've been using Netscape Mail so far.  And I *hate* it!
> >   Me too, it's too slow!
> :} Tried 6?

Even slower than M14 :P

> This {staroffice} isn't too bad... seeing as it's integrated into the 
> office package you've got a lot of capabilities at your fingertips... 
> and... 5.2's up now.
But, it's vey bulky.

| Chanop Silpa-Anan                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             |
| Australian National University                                              |
| got sparetime ?                                                             |
| http://kenji.anu.edu.au/                                                    |
|           Debian GNU/Linux           ICQ uin 11366301                       |

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