"Dr. Simon Read" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm getting pretty  frustrated with my upgrade to  potato.  I bought a
> CD/RW at about the same time as upgrading, but I can't seem to make it
> work.
> I know I have  to use the ide-scsi drivers, but I  have no idea how to
> configure them.   I can't make them  recognise the devices  I have.  I
> have a regular CD drive and the CD/RW (an HP 8200i) connected to ide0,
> so they are hdc and hdd.
> Can anyone help me configure them?  Does anyone know a 'fine' manual I
> can refer  to?  I've read all  the relevant HOWTOs (I  think) and they
> don't help!

I think that things are slightly easier now with 2.2 kernels than with
2.0 kernels.

You have checked that you have the master and slave settings
correct for the 2 CD drives?

When I recompiled my kernel I included the following (some of which
may not strictly be necessary...)
 SCSI support, SCSI CD support, SCSI generic support, SCSI
 emulation. I de-selected IDE/ATAPI CDROM support, since I only have
 a CD/RW in this machine. I think you could do the same and read
 your normal CD drive using SCSI emulation, and this might be simpler
 than trying to have one of each.

I did *NOT* have to add 
to lilo.conf (because I use modules). 

In modutils I added a new file cdrw-ide-scsi:

post-install scsi_mod "/sbin/insmod" "-k" "ide-scsi"
pre-remove scsi_mod "/sbin/rmmod" "ide-scsi"
options ide-cd ignore=hdc

and re-ran update-modules. I guess you will want to add ",hdd" to the
end of the last line (but I'm not certain of the syntax for a list of
drives to ignore).

After re-booting, my CDRW shows up as /dev/scd0, so in /dev I have a
 /dev/cdrom -> scd0

Your second drive will presumably show up as /dev/scd1.

The CD-Writing-HOWTO goes into more detail, and points to some web
sites that I found very helpful when first setting up my CDRW.


  Gilbert Laycock                 email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Maths and Computer Science,     http://www.mcs.le.ac.uk/~glaycock
  University of Leicester         phone:         (+44) 116 252 3902

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