What card do you have?

What version of Debian are you installing?

How did you install Debian?

How did you attempt to configure your networking?

What modules do you currently have installed (run "lsmod")?

What is the output of the command "ifconfig"?

What, if any, error messages are being generated by any of the commands
you are using to configure or verify networking?  Please quote them in
full, with full command and arguments issued.

On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 01:57:54PM +0530, Sunil Pandey wrote:
> hello world..
>         I am totally new to debian.. It seems like while installing, the
> drivers for my ethernet card were not installed properly, since it gives
> "network not accessible" could someone guide me as to how to install the
> drivers.
> thanx
> -- 
> Sunil Pandey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> For a nice date : Call strftime(3C)
> -- 
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Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
    What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?

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