
Yeah, it's supposed to be a normal modem. I inspected the box and the
manual carefully before buying to avoid the winmodem-curse. And their
homepage (Diamond multimedia) doesn't indicate anything in that
direction, I even found a blurb where they stated that they work closely
with the Linux community. Turns out that that only applies to their
graphic cards (supposedly).



Paul Huygen wrote:
> > I'm having a bit of a problem getting my modem working under Debian
> > Slink 2.1, and really I'm beginning to think that I will have to do
> > something drastic as playing with jumpers.
> >
> > It's a SupraSST 56i PRO DF card (Diamond Multimedia)
> Is that a normal, full-functioning modem or a crippled, so-called "winmodem"?
> The latter type is made to work under Windows, but not necessarily under other
> operating systems. So, if the box or the manual says this modem is a 
> "winmodem",
> then the best thing you can do is to return it to you supplier.
> Good luck,
> Paul Huygen
> --
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