Why do you want the source packages? For almost evry package you can find
a .deb, which is a lot esier then compiling.
I put my source code (only kernels actually) in /usr/src

Ron Rademaker

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Brenda J. Butler wrote:

> I noticed when trying to unpack some sources to miscellaneous
> debian apps (setserial, silo) that I had to specify the
> destination (unlike installing binaries, which go
> to standard places like /bin, /usr/bin, etc).
> In RedHat, those source packages get unpacked into a standard
> /usr/src/redhat hierarchy.
> Is there any similar place in debian for these sources, or
> do people put them where they feel like?  If I put
> them in /usr/src/debian, is that a Bad Idea?  Where
> should I put them (probably my home directory or
> /usr/local/src, I'm guessing)?
> What do you-all do?
> -- 
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