Hi all.

I'm trying to install Potato to what will become my ipchains server. I had
previously installed
Slink on this computer, but managed to completely mangle my installation
when my old
ISP switched to PPPOE. My new provider (Videotron) uses DHCP for their cable
and I can get an address just fine in Windows on a different computer.

On my Potato box, different story. My Ethernet card seems to work (3Com
3c509b, shows
up in ifconfig), but it does not get an IP address assigned on boot. Running

pump -i eth0 -R

gets me an "Operation failed" error message, and no IP address.

Is there anything else I need to configure? I'd read the man page, but since
the installation
has not completed, man does not work yet.

I'm thinking of yanking out pump, and replacing it with dhcpcd.

Any thoughts/ideas?


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