I notice that graphics for 'Home', 'Up', etc. navigation links were included
in the distribution of the Docbook modular stylesheets. I can't find a hint
as to how to "turn them on" for HTML output.

I have grepped though the Docbook modular stylesheets, and tried searching
deja and the mulberry dsssl list, but to no avail. 

My recollection is that the Cygnus apparatus (db2html and associated
stylesheets) defaults to using graphical nav links, but I'm not sure this is
helpful in my case, since I have a dsssl driver file well underway for
DocBook's modular stylesheets.

[Aside: has the Unisys unpleasantness cast a shadow over these gif files, and
if so are there some png replacements out there?]

(I almost *never* crosspost; this was sent two days ago to docbook-apps but
I haven't seen it, or anything else from that list, show up yet. Then I tried
debian-sgml yesterday but failed to elicit a response. I must be getting old
because I'm not usually this impatient!)

Bob Bernstein                  http://www.ruptured-duck.com

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