Are you sure the K6 hasn't been over clocked by some bastard salesman ?

From:   Ron Rademaker[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Monday, 24 April 2000 5:57 AM
Subject:        General Protection Fault

How do I solve a General Protection Fault (Oops = 0002), I get it when I
boot with the rescue disk, when trying to install (right after mounting
the root filesystem (RAM)) it gives the errors, and ends with: Aiee,
killing the interrupt handler
If you need more information, I wrote all the output down so I can post it
if that would help you...

The system started giving general protection faults after I upgraded it
(general protection faults both in linux as in windows) from a P166 with
32 M to a amd k6-2 533 with 128 M.


Ron Rademaker

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