> That's an option, and I might resort to it, but it would mean 
> setting up a mail
> server on the Linux box, which isn't as "clean" in the eyes 
> of the administration as
> a print server.

"clean"? How is hacking a print driver/filter more clean than using a
program designed to do various tasks? I would recommend using procmail
myself. Procmail has the advantage of filtering (wouldn't have to process
all mail from the machine, only what you specify), processing to multiple
recipients, and running external programs. You would pass a copy of the mail
to lpr as an external program

You could set up a light MTA and procmail to do what you want. I used
procmail with Exim. Procmail filtered incoming mail, changing the routing of
recipients. Setting it up is fairly easy, and the commands are easy to use.
You could get brownie points by telling your boss, "Sir, I fixed our
problem! I have the Linux box resending the email from the 911 system to
Fred, Sam, and Mary. The email will be printed on that printer there. The
only question left is do you want me to have the box page someone as well?
How about fax?"

Ahhhh. The smell of promotion...(sniff, sniffffff) sweet. Well, I don't
really know about that. I don't know how complex the need is. The point is
that you can *make* it as complex a solution as you require. The usual
problem is that the PHB (Dilbert's Pointy-Haired-Bosses) don't know what can
be done, so everyone settles for a minimal solution. Show them what you can
really do...

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