Have only just managed to install Debian 2.1, after giving up
many times.     
        Now mostly it all works, all I need to do is hang in there.

        Normally using  redhat, I now need to shift configurations etc
but when in deb. and I try to mount any linux partition that is not
debian, mount balks with this error
$ mount -t ext2 /dev/hda9 /rh6

EXT2-fs: 03:09: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional
mount: wrong filesystem  etc. etc.
        or too many etc. etc. ( the usual complaint)
        Working out of redhat there is no problem in mounting other
distributions partitions/filesystems, at least I haven't had any to
date and the result is the same from fstab

        Is this a known problem, will an upgrade fix things. I am
currently using RH 6.2.Have I missed some changes in the ext2 fs?

        All info  appreciated.          



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