>>>>> "Riku" == Riku Saikkonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Riku> This should mean, as far as I know, that seminar is DFSG
    Riku> free nowadays. (Most of LaTeX2e appears to be licensed under
    Riku> the same LPPL license.)

Wow! Thanks for that (not that I have looked for followups in
debian-user yet, will look tomorrow).

    Riku> Given this, I don't know why seminar is still in
    Riku> tetex-nonfree.  Perhaps I should file a bug report?

Yes, please do. Chances are that the maintainer hasn't realized.
Which isn't surprising considering the number of packages for LaTeX.

    >> Also, gs often produces the following fatal gs error when
    >> viewing it with gv. :-(.

    Riku> I haven't seen that, but then, I haven't produced more than
    Riku> a few sets of slides. Use xdvi as a workaround?

xdvi doesn't work for overlays.

It seems like Tim is now actively maintaining the software again.
Yah! Hopefully, he will fix the known bugs without requiring
the work around, "seminar.bug" and "seminar.bg2".

However, I think this problem might be with dvips and/or gs. Will
investigate in more detail later.

Anyone know any tips for debugging postscript? How to turn the error
message into a line number would be really good.

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