On 7 May 2000, David Z Maze wrote:

> What's commonly referred to as "Xwrapper" is just that: it's a
> so-called "wrapper" program that does some work (in this case, getting 
> necessary permissions and dropping root priviledges) and the starts
> the real X server.  On a normal Debian installation, such a wrapper
> exists; it's the (short binary) file /usr/X11R6/bin/X.  That looks at
> /etc/X11/Xserver, and decides whether or not to allow the X server to
> be run, and if it does allow it, which server.

The /etc/X11/Xserver was the key to the problem. Now X runs well as normal
and super user.

Thanks! Now my computer is better place to live:)

Esko Lehtonen


> EPL> How dangerous is it to run Xserver as suid root if I am not connected
> EPL> to any network?
> IMHO, it should be fairly safe to run an X server suid root.  
Ok. I suppose it was XFree86-Howto where 'strongly discouraged' running X
server as suid root. That's why I was concerned.  

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