I've got potato installed on a 1.5GB partition, and have another hard drive
with an available 2GB partition (type 82 Linux, formatted ext2fs) on to
which I want to move /usr. I copied the contents of /usr on to the new
partition, then edited /etc/fstab, moved the original /usr to /usr-old and
created a new /usr. When I rebooted, most everything seemed to work, but I
noticed a handful of error messages scrolling by. The only one I had time to
read was that /usr/bin/aumix couldn't be found (because it's called when the
sound module is loaded into the kernel (to turn the volume on my SB16 down
to 50%), but /usr hadn't been mounted yet. I couldn't find it or any of the
other failures to load something from /usr in any of the log files in
/var/log, so I'm not sure what's missing. _Most_ things seem to work
properly, but a few things fail miserably (for example, 'man' tells me it
can't setuid properly and aborts). I commented out the line in /etc/fstab
and moved contents of /usr-old back to /usr and everything works properly

My question is: what else do I need to do to move /usr onto a new partition
and have Linux boot properly? I re-read the HOWTOs and can't find any
mention of anything other than what I tried. Help!



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