
I am a newbie with a newly installed slink.  I am trying to get online
(Cable Modem - Road Runner) but not having much luck.

I installed dhcpcd and it appears to start on startup.

I installed a tulip card during installation.

ifconfig gives me this:

eth0   Linkencap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:A0:CC:25:68:A0:CC:25:68:A0
           unspec addr:[NONE SET] Bcast:[NONE SET] Mask:[NONE SET]

dmesg gives alternating:

eth0:  Changing PNIC configuration to half-duplex, CSR6 00420000
eth0:  Changing PNIC configuration to half-duplex, CSR6  01860000

Can someone please tell me what I have done wrong or what I need to try to
fix this?  Everything else seems to be working fine.


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