I'd like to set up ipchains so that no on can connect to my
dialup computer at all except for identd (for IRC). I read the
Firewall and IPCHAINS howtos, as well as the ipchains man page,
and it looks like the following lines should do what i want:

ipchains -P input DENY
ipchains -I input -p all -s localhost -j ACCEPT
ipchains -I input -p icmp -j ACCEPT
ipchains -I input -p tcp --dport 113 -j ACCEPT

Unfortunately, they don't. After dialing up my ISP, i can't do
anything with the connection unless the default input setting is
ACCEPT. I made sure output was set to ACCEPT, but it still
doesn't work. I can't download mail, can't connect to web sites,

What am i doing wrong?

Eric Gillespie, Jr. <*> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Let us be thankful we have commerce. Buy more. Buy more now.
 Buy. And be happy."
--OMM (THX 1138)

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