On Wed, 10 May 2000, John Foster wrote:

> I just upgraded to the most recent version of LILO, in potato frozen. It
> is telling me that there is a fatal error: kernel /vmlinuz is too
> big--what gives? This is the kernel that I have been using for over a
> year with no changes. Might this be a BUG???

Hi John!

same problem here. I just didn't report it yet. lilo-21-14 is the last
version of lilo which can boot my vmlinuz-TEST, a 2.3.99-pre6 dev.
kernel. vmlinuz is an old 2.2.14 kernel and works ok. Every version
that complains about kernel being to large.

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       472210 Mär 21 00:29 vmlinuz
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       507586 Mai  1 21:13 vmlinuz-TEST

bye, Stefan

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