Phillip Deackes said:
> Everything works very nicely except that my system logs onto the
> Internet every 5 minutes or so. I suspect Exim, but am not sure what to
> change to stop it. I collect mail manually using Fetchmail and have it
> passed on to Exim for distribution using .forward.

Perhaps I've misunderstood you, but the normal operation of fetchmail is to
pass retrieved messages on to an MTA (such as exim) listening on
localhost:25.  You don't have to use .forward for this - if you're using
.forward to have exim pass messages back to itself, I would expect your mail
to get caught in a loop.  (Possibly infinite or possibly just redundant; I'm
not sure whether exim is smart enough to detect that it's just forwarded a
message to itself and not forward that message again.)  If you're not running
your own DNS, exim would then bring the link back up at each iteration in an
attempt to look up the IP address of the machine it's forwarding to.
(Assuming you're using the hostname instead of 'localhost'.  My experience
has been that exim ignores /etc/hosts and goes straight to DNS even if
/etc/resolv.conf says to do otherwise.)

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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