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OK, I'm not quite sure what you're asking here, but there are a number of

"Avinash m Gowda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    I wanted to knw  how to print a file which is
> in text on screen whenever i log in

If you want to print a standard piece of text every time somebody logs
in (like the copyright/warranty message that currently appears), then
edit /etc/motd and change it to whatever you like.  Beware however that
on reboot, the first line will be chopped and replaced with the value of
`uname -a`, so you'll want to leave 2 blank lines at the start.

> that is printing a quote everytime i login

If you'd like a random fortune to be displayed when you login, edit your
~/.bash_login, and add the following line:


You need to ensure that the package 'fortune-mod' is installed.  You can
also choose from a selection of fortune packages to source your random
quotes from, including: 

fortunes-min - a small selection of fortunes, required by fortune-mod,
fortunes - a huge chunk of fortune cookies,
fortunes-off - offensive fortune cookies.  If you're easily offended, don't
 install this one...
fortunes-cs - Czech and Slovak fortunes
fortunes-it - Italian fortune cookies

> or printing a quote in my mail everytime i send
> a mail.

A sigmonster?  Basically it involves creating a FIFO buffer (or socket?) 
for ~/.signature and having a small daemon feed it your signature and a 
cookie.  Coding it is an exercise left to the reader. :)

- -- 

"Life's not fair," I reply. "But the root password helps." - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


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